
5 Things You Need to Know About Cell Phone Repair Shop POS

5 Things You Need to Know About Cell Phone Repair Shop POS

Many things need to be managed if you’re running a cell phone repair shop, from keeping up with the latest technology to ensuring you have the parts to complete a job. Not to mention, you need to know which staff member is available and who is busy with a repair task. All of these points make managing a cell repair shop a challenging task. Yet, certain cell phone repair shop POS like SalesPush assist significantly with the day-to-day operations of a phone repair store, and we will look at five essential things you need to know about them.

Cell Phone Repair POS Allow Billing and Invoicing from Multiple Sources

As technology has improved, many businesses, including the cell phone repair shop, have integrated them into their line of work; for example, almost all repair shops have websites which wasn’t the case a couple of decades ago. When you usually need to go to a smartphone repair shop to get your phone fixed, they take your details, make a ticket and give you a receipt with the ticket number and expected repair date. That system is still in place, but the process has become much smoother due to advanced cell phone repair POS like SalesPush. This system also allows the repair business to utilize their websites to take repair requests and even payments online. The customer can then courier the phone to be repaired and get a ticket number via email or messaging.

Mobile Phone Repair Shop Software Features Include Inventory Management

When you run a repair shop specifically for phones, there are a lot of assets that you need to take care from the tools of the trade to sensitive components and camera lenses, and many other items. If you don’t have an efficient system to manage them, you’ll lose out on time and money trying to micro-manage them, which you cannot afford. That is why advanced point-of-sale systems include inventory management as part of their mobile phone repair shop software features. You can upload your entire repair store inventory in a few minutes and then separate them according to different categories that include brands, weight, type, colour, among other options.

Besides categorizing them, you can also feed in where they are physically located on the premises. This feature is convenient; for example, later, if you need to look for a Carl Zeiss Lens, you would search it in the system, and it will tell you something like rack no. 5, 3rd shelf, 4th column. So any technician searching for a component could quickly find it, saving time and effort.

Easy Accessibility One System for All Repair Outlets of a Single Company

The best part of an advanced cell phone repair shop POS like SalesPush is that it’s cloud-based, meaning you don’t need a specialized computer or device to install it. Any device with a browser and a connection to the Internet can access the point-of-sale system. Having such accessibility is very helpful; if you have multiple outlets, the same software can be set up to operate individually at the different repair shops. However, any repair shop could access the inventory, tickets, and employee details of any other outlet in their network if needed. Suppose a customer wants to have their repaired phone delivered to a specific outlet they can do so, by paying for the shipping cost of course. If a part like a gyro sensor for a Samsung S21 is available at one store and is needed at another, a quick inventory check of different outlets can allow you to have it transported or shipped from an outlet that has it. The applications of such functionality are immense.

Modern-Day POS Generate Useful Reports

One of the most useful and most business-critical functionalities that a modern-day POS has is generating reports from different data. To elaborate this, you can get daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly ticket reports – they will give you an idea of when are the busiest months, although we doubt there is a specific season for breaking your phone. Yet still, the data will allow you to run promotions or marketing campaigns during the slow time of the business to attract existing and potential customers who might have held out on phone repairs. A yearly inventory report would let you know which parts were least used and which were in demand a lot, allowing you to do selective inventory purchasing. Again the usefulness of reports is immense in making informed business decisions to increase profitability and expand your company.

Advanced POS with Complete HRM Solution

At the heart of every cell phone, repair business are the trained technicians who work on the phones that come in. The POS system allows you to assign work to different technicians, and hence, it becomes crucial to know who is present and who is not. Besides keeping track of attendance, how many leaves an employee has taken can also affect payroll calculation. These aspects usually require human resource personnel or expensive HRM systems. Luckily the modern-day repair shop point-of-sale system like SalesPush can manage these employee-related aspects at a fraction of the cost of the other options.