Grow your business with WooCommerce eCom solution.
Manage all your repairs and inventory promising a boost in revenue by synchronizing inventory directly to your website from your POS, all made possible with our built-in WooCommerce integration.
- Map and sync product categories, products, and orders with a quick and easy setup process
- Access to control the inventory and repairs that you wish to display on the website through the product sync setting
- Inventory updates instantly on online purchase and maintains records of inventory changes through the sync log
- Feature to map your tax rate from POS with your website all from the settings
Widen your outreach by taking your business online.
Boost your revenue by driving our eCom solution with a sophisticated online ordering system that guarantees to maximize your daily turnover for orders.
- Market campaigns through bulk email notifications and maximize outreach through Mailchimp integration
- Sync online orders rapidly to your POS and direct them to sale or drafts for the items that are out of stock
- Multi-store locations for repairs can transfer inventory and its details from one location to another with ease
- A comprehensive Sync log maintaining a record of each time any product or order was synced
Optimize business operations by empowering customers.
Simplify the shopping experience by deploying built-in integrations that are easy to set up and work perfectly to streamline business requirements.
- Customers may track their order and its status from your website by entering the reference number
- Shipping modules allows you to stay updated with the deliveries and their current status
- Easily set up a calendar on your website, for customers to book repair appointments online
- Gather all the necessary information of your customer through self-check-in and simply convert them into a ticket